Sol Feinstone Teachers & Staff-

If you have an expense request (Educational or Renovation), please use one of the forms below.

Thank you,

SFE PTO Treasurer




This expense request form below is for the procurement of educational items that have yet to be purchased. If a purchase has already been made and you are seeking reimbursement, please complete a Reimbursement Request (click here for Reimbursement Form information). After you fill out this request, we will contact you to discuss the ordering process.


Expense Request - Educational Form



The expense request below is to be completed for purchases related to recent classroom renovations. Examples of approved items are rugs, carts, and other storage items needed in the newly renovated classrooms. Each teacher has a one-time $250 renovation budget once their new classroom is completed. After you complete this request, we will contact you to discuss the ordering process.


Expense Request - Renovations Form

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