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Elected Executive Board:
Set monthly PTO meetings with agendas. Lead all PTO monthly meetings and board meetings. Responsible for making sure all of the Committee Chairs are on track with their events, aid in problem solving and guidance. Meet monthly with the Principal to discuss upcoming events, wants and needs, etc. Update PTO activity calendars, keep and set the yearly budget, and fill committee chairs. Meet monthly with the elementary PTO Presidents.
Attend all Monthly PTO Meetings. Aid and shadow the President in all duties. Meet monthly with the Principal and President. Attend any and all PTO board meetings. Meet monthly with the elementary PTO Presidents.
Attend every PTO meeting. Record minutes from every meeting. Approve and archive monthly PTO minutes.
Attend all Monthly PTO Meetings and PTO board meetings. Collect and refund all reimbursements from teachers, Committee Chairs, etc. Provide funds and cash boxes for specific events. Provide monthly statements for each PTO meeting. Lead the annual budget meetings.
Attend as many monthly PTO meetings as possible, must attend if the Treasurer is unable. Aid the Treasurer in collecting reimbursement receipts and distributing payments. Coordinate assigned duties with the treasurer.
Updates and maintains all online SFE PTO media accounts as well as online payment systems. They work with all Committee Chairs to help with promotion and online ordering. Create and update ticket order forms and maintain the Membership Toolkit based Directory. Must attend as many monthly PTO meetings and Board Meetings as possible.
Assists the Webmaster with updating and maintaining all online SFE PTO media accounts as well as online payment systems.
Handled mostly by email, this person is in charge of coordinating and guiding home room parents throughout the year. You work with the president and president elect when choosing the home room parents and class photographers. Throughout the year the president will ask you to communicate needs through the home room parents and/or all families.
Committees: All committees are a 2 year commitment to give each leader the opportunity to learn and then make it their own.
Student Programming & Events Committees
Research and find assemblies that are inspiring and educational for the scheduled half days for all grade levels. All assemblies will need to stay with a designated budget and be approved by the principal.
The Celebration Book program is designed to replenish old and worn books in our library, while simultaneously celebrating something or someone special to your child. In addition, the kids get so excited when they discover new books on the shelves! Celebrate ANY occasion such as good grades, great performance in the musical, a holiday, an accomplishment, a retired or retiring teacher, or team wins. You can also donate a book in remembrance of someone special or honor your child's birthday or a teacher or staff member with a book donation! Just complete and submit the Celebration Books Form available under forms at
Our children benefit from the generosity of our SFE families. We hope you choose to participate in this terrific program that gives directly back to our school community. Please reach out to our PTO volunteer for the Celebration Book program with any questions: Holly Sciortino (
This committee holds open meetings with the Principal, Guidance Counselor, and Instructional Support teacher to plan in school events (e.g., Mix it up Day, Diversity Week assemblies) and bulletin board / hallway displays to promote events and themes. Additional events may be planned based upon committee interest.
This event is set up by Mr. Oldfield, the SFE Physical Education teacher, at the end of the school year. The PTO provides a Field Day t-shirt for each student, teacher and staff. A cool treat, typically popsicles, is also provided for all students and staff.
Coordinate with recess aides for the purchase of needed activities and/or equipment, such as board games, balls, and chalk.
This event takes place in the Spring. Committee promotes the event, finds judges, and runs the fair as well as awards the winners. Most is done during the school day, but it is opened at night for parents to see all the participants' displays.
Committee is designed to help our students learn that they need to be mindful of others. Planned events include CHOP Pajama Day Fundraiser, a Winter Gear/Coat Drive, and a school-wide service project. In the past additional events have included Operation Gratitude candy collection and a food drive.
In charge of decorating the showcases in the entrances at the beginning of each year and maintaining appropriate décor throughout the school year. NOTE: Details on this committee are pending re-opening of the school for 2024-2025 following construction.
School & Staff Support
Largest budget to do special projects for the students and/or teachers in the school. These projects are not for building or maintenance work. All projects need to be forward thinking but don’t all have to be educational based. Committee started in the 2018/2019 year with the purchase of moveable soccer goals and flexible/specialized seating in all of first grade then expanded up to the other grades including the resource rooms. Open communication with the teachers, parents, and staff is ideal to gain new ideas and perspectives of what would best aid our school and children. All projects need approval from the PTO board and the principal.
HOSPITALITY (New Students)
Welcome students who enter SFE throughout the school year. Ensure the students are included in the yearbook.
Decorate & maintain the front planters of the school with seasonal flowers and décor.
Provides encouragement, congratulations and/or farewell gifts for teachers and staff. All purchases need to be approved by the PTO President and Board. Provide refreshments including a small snack and drink for Back to school nights, education week, winter concerts and spring concerts.
Provides a holiday lunch for all teachers and staff in November. Support the Heartwarmers event in February. Plan and execute something for each day during teacher appreciation week at the beginning of May including one lunch.
Family Events
GLOW DANCE (select years)
Must promote, coordinate, and facilitate the event. This event was designed for community building and not fundraising. Light snack, water, and t-shirt provided with advanced purchase.
Event for all SFE students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). Held at an off-site location, such as a sports complex, and committee chairs can be as creative as they like. It is a self-funded event.
Event for all SFE students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). Held at an off-site location and committee chairs can be as creative as they like. The theme normally changes year to year (Under the Sea, Across the Universe, Philadelphia). It is a self-funded event.
Event for all SFE students and their families. Families can participate by decorating a Trunk or attending as Treaters. Chair responsible for planning and promoting the event and coordinating all logistics for the evening.
This event is held on the same day as the Meet and Greet (immediately following) before school starts. All families, teachers and staff are invited to attend. In previous years it has had music, Food Trucks, PTO Welcome and Sign up Table, Spirit wear Sales Table, and lawn games. It can be as creative or adventurous as the committee desires. Must stay within a budget.
Event typically in the Spring. The fair is normally a week in school (as well as online) giving each class the opportunity to attend as well as one family night. Our book fair runs through Scholastic books who provide scholastic dollars based on the total purchases. These dollars are used by the PTO board to purchase items for other areas of needs specifically for specialized/flexible seating.
CASH BACK PROGRAMS (One Co-Chair Position Open - Volunteer Needed)
This committee is in charge of promoting, collecting and monitoring Box Tops, Shutterfly, McCaffrey and Giant Receipts. Most of this is done online from home.
A highly anticipated event for students at school. Students buy raffle tickets during lunch for the amazing baskets created by the Homeroom Parents and the winner is drawn at school and announced by Mr. Harlan. This event requires at least 2 co-chairs and usually occurs before or around Spring Break.
This event is held every other year (next game 2023/2024) at Council Rock North typically in the spring but could be at any time of the year. The Wizards have a play by play contract that makes this a very easy event. You will be in charge of promoting, distributing tickets, concessions, and all communications with the Wizards.
Our school store is filled with things all kids love. Required to promote, purchase, sell, and make a profit from monthly sales during student lunches.
Oversees all aspects of the yearbook production.
Edits the year book. Coordinates with each class photographer that creates their own class pages.
Oversees the ordering, promotion, and distribution of all yearbooks.
YEARBOOK 6th grade
Gathers all the baby pictures from the 6th grade students and creates the pages in the yearbook.
Thank you for coming to our website. If you have any questions, please email us at
If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another organization,
you can use the same log-in here.
Welcome Families
Welcome to the SFE PTO website. Please check back often for news and details on events at SFE.
If you have a question regarding the PTO, please email
To contact our Webmaster Team, please email
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Sol Feinstone Elementary School
Council Rock School District Website
MyPaymentsPlus (lunch accounts)